The California Sex Offender Management Board has developed the below-listed standards and procedures in accordance with California Penal Code Section 9003 (a), which states that all those professionals who provide sex offender management programs and risk assessments, pursuant to Penal Code Section 290.09, shall be certified by the board according to these standards.
The following documents provide details on the standards and procedures which must be followed for the certification of sex offender treatment provider agencies and providers.
Sex offender treatment Provider Agencies and Independent and Associate Providers are required to apply for recertification every two years.
Student Providers are required to apply for recertification annually.
The certification process can take up to 30 days from the date that your completed application is received. Updates will not be provided prior to the 30 day period. Incomplete applications may result in a longer processing time.
CASOMB will provide reasonable accommodation to qualified applicants with a disability.
If you are a student applying at the Apprentice Provider level following July 1, 2021 CASOMB will re-verify your student status at one year of certification.
A Supervision Agreement Form must be uploaded within your CASOMB online application if applying at the Associate or Student Provider level. The Supervision Agreement Form explains CASOMB’s requirements for supervision and must be signed by supervisors and supervisee.
Revisions to the Treatment Provider Certification Requirements went into effect July 1, 2022. All agencies are expected to be in compliance with the changes by January 1, 2023. You must notify CASOMB if you are unable to comply with these changes.
Matriculation of Associate Provider to Independent Provider Status
An Associate Provider may, but is not required to, upgrade to Independent Provider status when she or he meets all of the criteria for the Independent Provider level, reference the ‘At-A-Glance’ Handout.
An Associate Provider wishing to upgrade to Independent Provider status may initiate the process to do so, at any point, without additional cost within her or his current certification period. Note: Matriculation does not extend your current certification expiration date. If she or he is close to their recertification date, matriculation and recertification may be completed simultaneously, and a CASOMB Provider Application Request Form and payment must be submitted.
To apply for Independent Provider status, please e-mail CASOMB@CDCR.CA.Gov to submit a matriculation request. CASOMB will send login information to access the Treatment Provider Recertification Application through our online platform MD-App, and the individual shall complete and submit the following:
The supervisor statement(s) will be uploaded in the “Files” section of the Treatment Provider Recertification Application within MD-App.
Treatment providers and programs are prohibited from re-disseminating criminal offender record information (CORI).
View CORI_Re-dissemination_12-14 (PDF) for a full discussion of this issue.